Whacky Wookiee's Domain

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Texting While Driving Laws?

Not that long ago I had a near-miss incident whilst on the road.

I was behind another car waiting to right-on-red onto the highway. The first car stops, and then makes a legal turn. As he is halfway through, the light turns green in both directions—I assume—as I was forced to break and avoid colliding with a midsize-sedan showing no sign of yielding the right of way.

I managed to get a look at the driver: a young brunette woman holding a smartphone—now I can’t be sure—but I think I detected thumb movement.She casually glanced up at me—possibly for the first time—then went on her way.

I could be wrong to blame this incident on texting.

It could be complete ignorance of the “when making a left-turn, a driver must yield to another vehicle coming from an opposing direction making a right-turn” law.

So yes, I believe there should be laws that apply to anything that takes one’s eyes off of the road while driving—in fact I believe there already are laws on the books—like in the Ohio Digest of Motor Vehicle Laws, page 30 section five. 

Which means: Texting has been illegal all along.

So why do we need the Federal Government involved? Or involved again?

We’re supposed to keep both hands on the wheel at all times—most of us violate that every day. So where do lawmakers stop listing offending tasks? The fine-print of the law would be 139 pages long—
  • "A driver shall not, while operating a motor vehicle, text or make cell-phone calls of any kind without a hands-free device. […]
  • The driver shall not make a pastrami-sandwich—regardless of bread-choice—nor shall the driver prepare cold or hot food-dishes of any kind. […]
  • The driver shall not assemble model-kits of any scale, color, vintage or collectability. […]
  • The driver shall not “pass the wheel” to another person in the car—action-hero style—then exit the vehicle while it is in motion, board another vehicle and engage in combat with the driver or passenger(s) of the other vehicle. […]
  • The driver shall not perform Paul Walker’s “stare (at the passenger) and drive” move from the Fast & Furious film-series. [...]


Too soon?

It’s a very tragic situation—but this is legal text here. […]” 


What's Wrong with Major League Baseball?

Where to begin? These are my “too-sense.”

Does MLB need a salary cap?
Yes, when in the past 91 years, 38 World Series championships have come from the same two teams (Yankees and Cardinals).

It's a tale of haves and have-nots. Like a crappy 80's prime-time soap.

Does MLB need Revenue-Sharing?
Yes, when in the past 91 years 38 World Series championships have come from the same two teams—Why do I feel like I'm repeating myself?

That's 42% of MLB championships from the same two cities. Over ninety-one years. The Yankees have nearly a third on their own.

And neither of those are even my biggest complaint...

Why the migration to cable TV guys?
It makes the games seem less important. Less like “History in the making.” It creates a rift in team interest for those that can't ever afford cable, at least. Not to mention those who might have an “on-again/off-again” relationship with pay-TV providers, and the channels seem to be in a higher-tier programming packages anyway.

Aside from that, is the fact that the average fan doesn't always keep the sports channels in their standard flipping habits.

I know this is the trend all over the sport, and as an example; Growing up in Cleveland, the Indians always had a lot of games on local channel 43, and a lot of commercials advertising those games during other programing.

Now they have one a week on local TV, if that, and I believe that going out to the ballgame, instead of say a movie, is losing its general appeal to the average consumer.

One of the many reasons why MLB attendance is struggling all over (this article may need a few updates.)

Oh, and one more thing...
Please flip-flop Inter-league play so that the rules follow the visiting teams. It would give the fans some extra incentive to come see the game and an unfamiliar style of ball, while visiting teams could at least find some comfort in familiar rules, in an unfamiliar park.

Oh, and one more "one more thing"...
Thanks for fixing the “Transfer rule,” but Instant replay is worthless if it's not handled correctly.

Why is there not the ability to always appeal to the Replay-umpire? More than once, if needed, even if they don't get the call?

And why does the Replay-umpire not always have the ability to let those visually-handicapped morons know when they're being even bigger idiots than usual, and they just made much more than a routine horrible-call?

Hopefully MLB doesn't bite it as hard as comedy-clubs did after the late 80's.


A Blog Reborn.

Hey World,

If anyone is listening/reading, I appreciate it very much. I started this blog a while ago, as part of a school project, and I've left it to rot, more-or-less, but no more!

I apologize for my lack of commitment, I enjoy griping about what irks me, why Michael Bay is Satan, and how God seems to hate Cleveland Ohio—He doesn't. He knows we're up for a challenge.

I may as well critique the realms of popular-culture in a venue that may inspire others, through meaningful discussion, to attain new levels of “creative-bitching.”

That's what it's all about...Something you can be proud to tell your grand-kids someday.

Besides, I've noticed on the Internets recently that there seems to be a shortage of people pointing out perceived flaws in the things they enjoy.

I'm also having a hard time finding anyone attempting ambiguously-humorous pseudo-journalism.

That's me: I see a void, and I fill it.


P.S. Please don't sue me Disney.

A “WhackyWookiee” is no more a “Wookiee,” than an Elephant-Seal an Elephant.